Thursday, August 13, 2009

What Men Want
In SEPTEMBER 20, 2004 issue of India today, they performed a survey on Male sexuality with a sample size of 2499 men, across 11 cities (Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkatta, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Lucknow, Ahemdabad, Jaipur, Patna and Chandigarh). The sample included 842 unmarried men in age group of 18-26; 835 married men 27-40 age group and 822 married / separated men in 41-55 age group. Viewers can access the survey report from:

The motto of that survey was to know what men really want from their women . 42% of men have admitted the pre marital sex experience in their life while 72% of them in another question have expressed that their bride should be a virgin one. 35% of young boys think that premarital sex is wrong. To a question, “How many sexual partners have you had outside marriage?” 42% replied “a few”, 33% confirmed only one and 15% remained doubtful.
“Would you encourage your wife / girlfriend to have sex with others if you become impotent?” 55% strongly say “NO” to this question where 18% admit affirmatively.
After all, 89 per cent men rate it as important to very important. But they say they want sex with coy, virginal, beautiful, sari-clad women who should then become their wives. And once wedded, these women should neither fantasise in bed, nor ask for oral sex or deny sex to their husbands, whether they like sex or not.


kuldip said...

I have little regard for surveys conducted by India Today.TIME magazine had conducted a survey in 2001 about the "most important event of Twentieth Century".Pricess Dianas death got the highest vote.
Coming to this survey,"Men genrally are weak and lack sensibilities".Their "Manhood"/"Silhoute" is directly proprtional to their Monthly Income(legitimate or illegitimate).For example a Man would get an inferiority complex if his spouse is earning a better salary.

Unknown said...

In India people commonly don't talk about their sexuality and bedroom stories. In surveys like this one, some kind of hidden facts come on the surface. Now with new generation the scenario is changing and young people are freely talking about it.But still they are bound with their so called cultural ethics, which stops them to admit that virginity is not important in relationship. To be or want to get a virgin mate is a myth created by religion centuries ago.


This suvey is baseless, who asked question to whom ? The question maker must have asked the people who are approachable to him/her. With the limited questionnaires it is difficult to know the result. Still thanks for posting such a thinakable topics.

nanoo said...

We need to change our vision.

cp aboobacker said...

I don't know how far the statistics is right. In my case, I had premarital sex relation. I did not have any compulsion that my spouse should be a doll without any sexual thinking or emotion regarding the opposite sex. In my case, I don't exactly know whether my spouse had extramarital relation, while I can truthfully state that I did not have. It is not because I did not deviate mentally, but because I thought it would be anarchy in family life. I never ask my wife about her secrecies, if at all she has any.

I also don't know whether this is the ideal stance. But I believe strongly that in the given circumstances women view this affair more seriously than men view their spouses. I hope I am wrong, but I fear I am not.

cpaboobacker said...

I don't know how far the statistics are correct. But I am certain that most men and women have had premarital sex of some sort. Sex act does not always culminate into conjugation.
On my part I had a few.
I have not asked my spouse whether she had any premarital sex. I did not bother about it, because I am a realistic person. She may or may not have. About extra marital relations, I should admit I had some mental deviations only while I had not attempted extramarital sex. I decidedc so for the safety of my family.
I think women are more concerned about extramarital relations of their spouses than men are. I hope I am wrong, but I fear I am damn right.

Kajal Kumar's Cartoons काजल कुमार के कार्टून said...

Interesting to know the results. Such things are toboo to discuss about otherwise.

डा.संतोष गौड़ राष्ट्रप्रेमी said...

please published, what Women really want from their men, if you know?

Vinashaay sharma said...

I think do detect women is virgin or not is very dificult,some times virginity is lost due to another reasons like exercises,etc even premaritial sex is also a reason,so i do not care much about virginity of women.

gazalkbahane said...

in eighties a survey perhaps also published in india today or ill.weekly about sexuality of women,conducted by a professor social and preventive medicine in delhi,summery is like
30%married women. go for extramarital sex after 8 months to 2 years of ist.child birth,the author said because of office responsiblities ,child care and husbands iritablity and constant nagging of ignoring him .makes a woman psychologically weak and if a male coworker sympathise her she starts thinking that hubby is incosidrate and this leads to this behaviour,but in todays changed cicumstances and scieneio yhis has become irralevent and city specially metro working women and men are of same views,rest of india is at different level

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with some that the survey done by India Today is bogus and slavishly imitates some Western magazines who purport to do the same. The crux is the believability of the participants. Even in the West, participants make up answers or do not answer correctly. I have an inkling that the answers received by India Today surveyers cannot be relied upon. While I agree that answers to some questions are correct, such as most men wanting to marry virgins, others on their own sexuality cannot be relied on.

Nibaran Jena said...

Let a woman or man to enjoy sexual life in mutual understanding without harming other near & dear's emotion. Depressed Sexual attitude harms ones mental peace. Giving permission for sex with other by an impotent man to his wife can bring happy conjual life. But in our society, we conservative man having narrow emotion & mind, can't permit it. Nibaran

Dibyanshi said...

didi, really it's great topic for gals as well as boys...

i love it ....

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